Scott N. Roberts, PhD

    • B.S. in Materials Science from Carnegie Melon University (2006)
    • M.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Science from the California Institute of Technology (in metallic glasses, 2009, 2013)
    • Inventor of several key metallic glass technologies (capacitive welding, twin roll casting in an inert environment and magnetic forming)
    • Over 10 non-provisional patent applications

    Consulting Expertise

    • Infrared thermal imaging for evaluating metal processing history
    • FLIR infrared thermal cameras
    • The relationships between processing, composition, impurities and mechanical properties of metallic glass
    • Manufacturing of metallic glass (casting, injection molding, sputtering, spray coating, sheet forming, twin roll casting, additive manufacturing, die-casting, forging, rapid discharge forming, micro forming, nano forming, blow molding, thermoplastic forming, etc.)
    • Design and operation of metallic glass manufacturing equipment
    • Materials research and reporting
    • Patent literature evaluation
    • Validity of potential applications and understanding of limitations for metallic glass
    • Metal and polymer additive manufacturing (hands-on experience with several varieties of machines)
    • Potential applications and limitations in additive manufacturing
    • Vast knowledge of materials science, metallurgy and manufacturing

Scott Roberts